Biennial Inspection of Kings and Richmond County Bridges, NYSDOT

B & H Engineering, P.C. has performed the 2013-2014 Biennial Inspection of 364 bridges (1502 spans) in the boroughs of Brooklyn and Staten Island, as a prime consultant, for the NYSDOT.
Services included: review of existing BIN folder, load ratings, inspection and ratings for members and their paint condition, quality control review on reports and documentation; notification and report preparation of flagged conditions; disposition of flagged conditions; planning and scheduling inspection; inventory verification; coordination inspection with ongoing construction contracts; planning and requesting lane closures; procuring access equipment necessary for inspection; and providing and monitoring work zone traffic control.
B & H Engineering has also performed biennial inspection of all bridges in Kings and Richmond Counties in 2003-2004 as a prime Consultant and 1999-2000 as a joint venture partner.